DS-Algo-Point copied to clipboard
Pangram String
🚀 Feature
Check if the given word or string is PANGRAM (If it contains every letter of the alphabet at least once).
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is a well-known pangram.
Have you read the Contribution Guidelines?
@arsh9806 - JavaScript @RohanK6 - Java @kesher988 - C @mavneeK - C++ @sunilgknair051 - Python @jyotiMahajan23 - C# @Corentin-Leffy - Kotlin
I would like to work on its javascript solution.
i would like to work on its in c solution
I would like to contribute in CPP
@arsh9806 - JavaScript @kesher988 - C @mavneeK - C++ Assigned.
I can do this in Java
Doing it in Python.
Assign this to me in C#
@sunilgknair051 Kindly go through it let me know if any changes you want .
comment the code for better readability.
Hello there 👋 , is it possible to do the Kotlin one please ?
@Corentin-Leffy , sure, make sure you check the respective folder and read the contributing.md. Thanks!
comment the code for better readability.