flaskcode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flaskcode copied to clipboard

A web based code editor on python flask framework.


Build Status PyPI Version MIT License

Web based code editor on python flask framework.



pip install flaskcode

Run application from CLI

Run flaskcode standalone, using following command:

flaskcode /path/to/resource/folder

Get help for CLI command:

flaskcode --help

  Run FlaskCode with given RESOURCE_BASEPATH or current working directory.

  All options can be set on the command line or through environment
  variables of the form FLASKCODE_*. For example FLASKCODE_USERNAME.

  -h, --host TEXT                 IP or hostname on which to run HTTP server.
  -p, --port INTEGER              Port on which to bind HTTP server.
  --username TEXT                 HTTP Basic Auth username.
  --password TEXT                 HTTP Basic Auth password.
  --editor-theme [vs|vs-dark|hc-black]
                                  Editor theme, default is vs-dark.
  --debug                         Run in flask DEBUG mode.
  --env TEXT                      Flask environment, default is development.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Integrating flaskcode in your Flask app

The flaskcode can be integrated in to your own Flask app by configuring and registering flaskcode.blueprint with your app:

from flask import Flask
import flaskcode

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['FLASKCODE_RESOURCE_BASEPATH'] = '/path/to/resource/folder'
app.register_blueprint(flaskcode.blueprint, url_prefix='/flaskcode')

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Now if you run the Flask app on default port, you can access the flaskcode at

Built with



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.