google-map-geofence icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
google-map-geofence copied to clipboard

Google Maps Geofence

geofence.js - Google maps geofence api in a more sophisticated way.

Click for demo

How to Use

  1. Add a reference to Google Maps API
  2. Add gmap-v3-geofence.min.js in your HTML
  3. And don't forget to add the Google Maps API key
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Geofence Demo</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="gmap-v3-geofence.js"></script>
  <style type="text/css">
    #mymap {
      width: auto;
      height: 450px;
  <div id="mymap"></div>
    var coords = [
    var geofence = new Geofence({mapId: 'mymap'});

Geofence Events

Events list

  • nodeClick
  • polygonClick
  • dragStart
  • dragEnd
  • setAt
  • insertAt

Example Usage

Click on the node and delete

geofence.on('nodeClick', [polygon], function (event, polygon) {
    // Do something with the event and clicked polygon
    // Your can show infoWindow or marker
    var contentString = '<button id="delete">Delete</button>';
    infoWindow = geofence.createInfowindow(contentString, event);
    // Then on infowindow ready click delete to delete the node
    geofence.onDomReady(infoWindow, function() {
        selectId('delete').addEventListener('click', function() {
            geofence.deleteNode(event, polygon);

Drag end revert the polygon

geofence.on('dragEnd', [polygon], function (event, polygon, previousState) {
    // Show the infowindow
    var contentString = '<button id="revert">Revert</button>';
    infoWindow = geofence.createInfowindow(contentString, event);
    // On infowindow ready revert the polygon to previous state
    geofence.onDomReady(infoWindow, function() {
        selectId('revert').addEventListener('click', function() {
            geofence.revert(polygon, previousState);

API functions

Draw the polygon

 * Draw polygon using coordinates
 * @param coordinates
 * @param options optional
 * @returns {*}
geofence.draw(coords, options);

Polygon events

On polygon node click

* On node click will give you the event
* which includes the node coordinates
* See demo example how to use that coordinates

geofence.on('nodeClick', [polygon], function (event, polygon) {
    // Do something with the node and polygon

On polygon click

* On click will give you the event
* which includes the clicked coordinates
* See demo example how to use that coordinates

geofence.on('polygonClick', [polygon], function (event, polygon) {
    // Do something with the event and polygon

Delete the clicked node

* Delete the node by passing the node clicked event 
* and the polygon object
* Use this function inside on node click event

geofence.deleteNode(event, polygon);

Drag the polygon and catch the event

* Polygon dragStart will give you the event
* which includes the current coordinates

geofence.on('dragStart', function(event, polygon) {
    // Do somethong with the event and polygon

Polygon dragEnd event

* Polygon dragEnd will give you the event, current polygon
* and the previous polygon state
* See the advanced demo to know
* How to get back to the previous demo

geofence.on('dragEnd', function(event, polygon, previousState) {
    // Do somethong with the event, polygon and previousState

Polygon insertAt and setAt event

* Polygon insertAt and setAt will give you the event and polygon
* You get the polygon coordinates and events

geofence.on('insertAt', function(event, polygon) {
    // Do somethong with the event and polygon

geofence.on('setAt', function(event, polygon) {
    // Do somethong with the event and polygon

Create InfoWindow and Marker

Create an infoWindow

* Provide the content string
* Make sure you use this inside some events

geofence.createInfowindow(contentString, event);


Create a marker

* Provide the title
* Make sure you use this inside some events

geofence.createMarker(title, event);


General helper functions

Revert the polygon to previous state

* Revert the polygon to previous state
* Make sure to use inside dragEnd event

geofence.revert(polygon, previousState);

Get the polygon coordinates

 * Get the polygon coordinates
 * @param polygon object
 * @returns {*|Array}

Get the polygon coordinates string

 * Get the polygon coordinates string
 * @param polygon object
 * @returns string

Coordinates string to array

 * Get the polygon coordinates string to array
 * @param polygon object
 * @returns array

Coordinates to LatLng object

 * Coordinates to LatLng object
 * @param polygon object
 * @returns LatLng object