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Sentiment classification for Vietnamese text using PhoBert


Sentiment classification for Vietnamese text using PhoBert


This project shows how to finetune the recently released PhoBERT for sentiment classification using AIViVN's comments dataset.

The model scored 0.90849 on the public leaderboard, (winner's solution score is 0.90087):

Model architecture

Here we created a custom classification head on top of the BERT backbone. We concatenated the last 4 hidden representations of the [CLS] token, which is actually <s> in this case, and fed it to a simple MLP.

Reproducing the comeptition submission

Data preprocessing

Download the competition data from . Move the *.crash files to the ./raw folder.

To convert the files to .csv format, run:


This will create two files train.csv and test.csv in your ./data folder.

Installing VnCoreNLP

Install the python bindings:

$pip3 install vncorenlp

Clone the VNCoreNLP repo:

Downloading PhoBERT

Follow the instructions in the original repo:


$tar -xzvf PhoBERT_base_transformers.tar.gz


$tar -xzvf PhoBERT_large_transformers.tar.gz

Training and testing

To perform training on a single fold, run the following command:

python --fold <fold-id> \
--train_path ./data/train.csv \
--dict_path /<path-to-phobert>/dict.txt \
--config_path /<path-to-phobert>/config.json \
--bpe_codes /<path-to-phobert>/ \
--pretrained_path /<path-to-phobert>/model.bin \
--ckpt_path ./models
--rdrsegmenter_path /<absolute-path-to>/VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar 

Note that the rdrsegmenter_path must be an absolute path. To fully reproduce the results, repeat for fold-id 0 to 4.

To generate the submission file, run the following command, we assume that there are 5 checkpoint named model_0.bin to model_4.bin in the models folder.

python  --test_path ./data/test.csv \
--dict_path /<path-to-phobert>/dict.txt \
--config_path /<path-to-phobert>/config.json \
--bpe_codes /<path-to-phobert>/ \
--pretrained_path /<path-to-phobert>/model.bin \
--ckpt_path ./models
--rdrsegmenter_path /<absolute-path-to>/VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar 

This will generate the submission.csv file in the current folder.