
Results 82 issues of Сухарик

Since [NixOS](https://nixos.org/) seems to have no sdl2-config, it would be nice to have an option to specify SDL2 paths directly.

For some reason it doesn't flicker in full screen. If you disable rendering to texture, it doesn't flicker either.

Let `foo: a b -> x`, `bar: c d e -> y`. Then `foo ; bar` is the function of type `a b c d e -> x y`, such...

``` Thread 1 "road" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00005555557b4f29 in core::task::poll::Poll::map () (gdb) bt #0 0x00005555557b4f29 in core::task::poll::Poll::map () #1 0x000055555595d005 in futures_util::stream::stream::StreamExt::poll_next_unpin () #2 0x000055555595c41a in futures_executor::local_pool::LocalPool::poll_pool_once ()...

type: bug
area: physics

On [Try APL](https://tryapl.org/) there's a little cheat sheet with symbols. It would be nice to have something like that for L1 (`::Self` is too long).

It is clear what is `f[g] = h` or `f[g_0 × g_1 → g_n] = h`, but what are `[:]` and `[g] x`? By the way, using the [concatenative algebra](https://suhr.github.io/papers/calg.html)...


Currently it is rendered as `Conjugate[x]`, but it would be nice to render it as `x^{*}` instead.


A bit eccentric, maybe I should tone it down. Closes https://github.com/hwayne/lets-prove-leftpad/issues/44.

I proved leftpad in rust, using [creusot](https://github.com/xldenis/creusot): https://github.com/suhr/leftpad How to verify: - `cargo creusot --span-mode=absolute -- --features=contracts` - `«creusot repo»/ide target/debug/leftpad-rlib.mlcfg` NB: you need to apply “Split VC” on the...

When you hold the mouse button, mouse cursor turns to hand, but when you move it, it turns back to arrow and nothing happens. Qt version: 5.8.0
