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A+ Retrofitted Blogger/Blogspot v2 Template

Gelati Sugarfree

A+ Retrofitted Blogger/Blogspot v2 Template

  • To see it in action:
    • News\Glitch - Get a glimpse and some inspiration from this "Real world" News-Blog, showing a customized Theme.
    • Gelati Sugarfree - Afterwards consult the basic examples from the Project's Demo-Blog, showing the default Theme.
  • Further Infos: Documentation and About

Gelati Sugarfree

Getting Started

Please consult Gelati Sugarfree's Quick Setup Guide regarding Installation, Configuration and Customization before Importing one of the available Blog-Themes.

Features and Usage

  • Although optional, you might consider to import the provided Demo-Content which provides representational examples regarding Gelati Sugarfree's Features and Usage.
  • Feel free to delete or unplublish unnecessary Posts, Pages and Labels after you got a grasp on its internals and mechanics.

Demo-Content Preperation

Some of the Posts contain Jump-Breaks, a feature of Blogger/Blogpost represented by the following expression:

Unfortunately, whenever exporting content in Blogger/Blogspot these expressions get converted to plain <a>-Tags:
<a name='more'> resp. &lt;a name='more'&gt;
So afterwards you have to manual replace all occurences of "ill-converted" Jump-Breaks to their correct expression with the help of Post-Editor.

Final Notes

As stated in Gelati Sugarfree's Advanced Setup Guide

  • For use-cases, including custom domain usage, you are good to go, even when using hosted Assets as referenced in the provided Blog-Themes.
  • If you want to self-host these static assets feel free to download Blog-Resources, provided pre-built here on GitHub.

If you followed these steps and everything worked well you might already have a working instance of Gelati Sugarfree 🎉.

Just in case you want to re-build Blog-Resources on your own, e.g.

  • check local built-code against Gelati Sugarfree's provided or hosted Blog-Resources
  • employ the provided Blogpost-Style toolchain

see the following cPanel based examples.

Get Gelati Sugarfree


$ cd ~/workspace
$ git clone... (or git pull)
$ cd gelati-sugarfree

Build Blog-Resources

Start Node.js App

  • Example settings: /home/examplecom/workspace/gelati-sugarfree/blog-resources


$ source /home/examplecom/nodevenv/workspace/gelati-sugarfree/blog-resources/10/bin/activate && cd /home/examplecom/workspace/gelati-sugarfree/blog-resources

$ npm install

$ npm run build:js
$ npm run build:images
$ npm run build:css

$ deactivate

Stop Node.js App

Build Blogpost-Style

Start Node.js App

  • Example settings: /home/examplecom/workspace/gelati-sugarfree/blogpost-style


$ source /home/examplecom/nodevenv/workspace/gelati-sugarfree/blogpost-style/10/bin/activate && cd /home/examplecom/workspace/gelati-sugarfree/blogpost-style

$ npm install

$ npm run rultor

$ deactivate

Stop Node.js App

Check local-built /dist/ against cloned /dist/


$ cd ~/workspace/gelati-sugarfree

$ git status

    On branch master
    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

    Changes not staged for commit:
    (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
    (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
            modified:   blog-resources/dist/images/customized_icon.png
            modified:   blog-resources/dist/images/icon.png

    Untracked files:
    (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")