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🚀 Debug web driver commands using 🛠 command line REPL debugger .


REPL interface to learn and debug the selenium webdriver API from terminal


Requires JDK > 8 to be installed.


npm install -g webdriver-repl

🚨 NOTE: This library uses node-gyp to compile java code. So if you face any error during installation, check the node-gpy installation page to install the dependency based on the operating system.


wd-repl --browser chrome

or if you wanna debug a remote browser

wd-repl --seleniumAddress http://localhost:4444/wd/hub


type wd-repl --help to get the available CLI parameters


Supported browsers are chrome, firefox, edge, safari


URL where the selenium server is running


The capability that is used to initialize the browser

For example, if we wanna launch the chrome browser in headless mode

wd-repl --browser chrome --capabilities "{ 'goog:chromeOptions': { 'agrs': ['--headless'] } }"


To load 3rd party jar files and that can be used in the REPL session

wd-repl --browser chrome --classpath \
  ~/.m2/repository/io/github/sudharsan-selvaraj/wow-xhr/1.0.1/wow-xhr-1.0.1.jar \

And the jarfiles can be imported as

> Import("io.github.sudharsan_selvaraj.WowXhr");