32-Verilog-Mini-Projects copied to clipboard
on 'Floating_Point_IEEE_754_Multiplication'
Hi, I was checking the verilog code of 'Floating_Point_IEEE_754_Multiplication' and I think it needs some upgrade.
- When we assign 'zero', where the line is
assign zero = exception ? 1'b0 : (product_mantissa == 23'd0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
I think it also needs to consider whether one of exponents of input has all zero thereby it checks 'true' zero. Thus the code should be like
assign zero = exception ? 1'b0 : (product_mantissa == 23'd0) & !((|a[30:23]) & (|b[30:23]))? // zero mantissa and zero exponent -> true zero 1'b1 : 1'b0; // Nested conditions for finding 0 expression of FP32
- When we assign 'exponent', where the line is
assign exponent = sum_exponent - 8'd127 + normalised;
I think we need to consider underflow of exponent since we subtract by 127 which is quite huge value. Thus the code should be like
assign exponent = (sum_exponent[8] | sum_exponent[7]) ? // sum_exponent[7] -> 128 sum_exponent - 8'd127 + normalised : 9'd0;
- When we check the calculation by using 'iteration', where the line is
iteration (32'hC152_6666,32'h0000_0000,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0,32'h441E_5375,`LINE); //-13.15 * 0 = 0;
I think the expected value(here it is 32'h441E_5375) should be zero by comment(//-13.15 * 0 = 0;). Thus the code should be like
32'h8000_0000, // -0
// -13.15 * 0 = 0
Thank you for reading my issue and I would be glad if you give me any feedback.