
Results 13 comments of suckedjs

Squad Building Challenges Basically, you submit a team of 11 players you don't need for a pack. There are many SBCs available right now.

How do you get the PlayerID from the ResourceID of an item in the tradepile?

It could but is not. Do you have a method to list an item to the market? > On 23 Apr 2017, at 02:43, Jeroen Ketelaar wrote: > > Isn't...

Great! Thanks for the response. Really looking forward to it!

public function ListItem($tradeId, $startingBid, $buyNowPrice, $duration) { if ($duration < 0) { return -1; } return $this->sendRequest(URL::API_LIST_ITEM, Method::POST(),['startingBid' => $startingBid, 'duration' => $duration, 'itemData' =>[ 'id' => $tradeId] , 'buyNowPrice'...

That would be great. Any news?

I tried to update the URLs and config files but I got stucked here Fatal error: Uncaught JKetelaar\fut\api\errors\login\MainLogin: Unable to login with unknown response With the following message: Unknown error/page...

The signin link is now generated by a javascript now in order to beat tools like this. As I know php is not able to process javascript code

The web-app stopped working on my Firefox and I had no clue way. I just noticed that it now detects the Firefox addon that I had installed: HTTP LIVE HEADERS...