instagrapi copied to clipboard
UKNOWN response: challenge_resolve, challenge_resolve_simple, handle_challenge_result
I'm trying to get through checkpoints on my accounts and I don't understand why they're not successful. From the code you can see that I'm trying to pass a checkpoint.
if 'challenge_required' in str(global_error):
print(username,' line 125: ', global_error, client.challenge_resolve(client.last_json))
print(username,' line 126: ', global_error, client.challenge_resolve_simple(''))
print(username,' line 127: ', global_error, client.handle_challenge_result(client.last_json))
and I receive such a response, but the checkpoint will not pass.
username line 125: challenge_required True
username line 127: challenge_required {'url': '', 'api_path': '/challenge/', 'hide_webview_header': True, 'lock': True, 'logout': False, 'native_flow': True, 'flow_render_type': 4}
Please advice me something
residential proxy python3.11 / I tried on 3.10 is it working latest version instagapi ( today is fetched ) mac os m1
@adw0rd вижу по ишьюс что ты часто отвечаешь, хоть и не быстро. буду очень благодарен твоему совету.