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Create account
Can ve create insta account using instagrapi
I am writing an automated account creation process
- Check account - api
- Check email - api
- Send mail - api
- Confirm email belonging-get registration code - api
- Failed to invoke the creation interface. /api/v1/accounts/create/ -400 Bad Request; feedback_required
ins version number:
Do you have a partner to talk to? My email address is :[email protected]
For me it is working.
@sunmasters What kind of agent did you use
@Nishant87555 How to use it? Can I see the code?
It is very difficult to create a valid account via Email, but with SMS using phone APIs it is much easier. I won't go into details but the steps are as follows:
Create Phone Device: url: 'api/v1/launcher/mobileconfig/', method: 'POST', form: { "bool_opt_policy": '0', "mobileconfigsessionless": '', "api_version": '3', "unit_type": '1'; "query_hash": 'b75d780f1c4cb7ae635c0c24e5dad1cb8d8d0a8c97a412f11978fb61d981d352' "ts": current_timestamp, "device_id": uuid "fetch_type": 'ASYNC_FULL', }
Check Valid Phone Number: url: '/api/v1/accounts/check_phone_number/', form: { "phone_id": phone_id, "login_nonce_map": '{}', "phone_number": phone_number, "_csrftoken": csrf_token, "guid": device_uuid, "device_id": device_id, "prefill_shown": 'False', }
Send SMS Code:
url: '/api/v1/accounts/send_signup_sms_code/', form: { "phone_id": phone_id, "phone_number": phone_number, "_csrftoken": csrf_token, "guid": phone_number, "device_id": device_id, "android_build_type": 'release', "waterfall_id": guid, } -
Validate SMS Code: url: '/api/v1/accounts/validate_signup_sms_code/', form: { "verification_code": verification_code, "phone_number": phone_number, "_csrftoken": csrf_token, "guid": device_uuid, "device_id": device_id, "waterfall_id": guid }
Finish Sign Up url: '/api/v1/accounts/create_validated/', form: { "is_secondary_account_creation": 'false', "jazoest": str_buffer_encrypted_phone_id, "tos_version": 'row', "suggestedUsername": '', "verification_code": verification_code, "logged_in_user_id": 0, "sn_result": ''GOOGLE_PLAY_UNAVAILABLE:+SERVICE_INVALID'', "do_not_auto_login_if_credentials_match": 'true', "phone_id": phone_id, "enc_password": encrypted_password, "phone_number": phone_number, "username": username, "first_name": first_name, "day": birth_day_int "adid": '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', "guid": device_uuid, "year": year_int, "device_id": device_id, "_uuid": device_uuid, "month": month_int, "sn_nonce": base64_phone_number_date_random, "force_sign_up_code": '', "logged_in_user_authorization_token":0, "waterfall_id": guid_waterfall_id, "qs_stamp": '', "has_sms_consent": 'true', "one_tap_opt_in": 'true', }