awx-rpm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
awx-rpm copied to clipboard


Open Lobout opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments


import sys, getopt, os, datetime, urllib.request, platform

def helpscreen(): print(''' awx-setup [-options]

Setup tool for AWX-RPM..

options: -i, --install Setup and configure AWX-RPM, standard installation, single server -d, --default-venv Set default virtual environment, located in /var/lib/awx/venv/ -l, --list-venvs List available virtual environments -u, --update Update AWX-RPM to latest version ''')

def main(argv):

install_status_file = "/etc/tower/INSTALLED"

repopath = ""

try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hiud:l",["install","update","default-venv","list-venvs"]) except getopt.GetoptError: helpscreen() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h' or opt == '--help': helpscreen() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-d", "--default-venv"): defaultvenv = arg elif opt in ("-l", "--list-venvs"): listvenvs = 1 elif opt in ("-i", "--install"): install = 1 elif opt in ("-u", "--update"): update = 1

try: defaultvenv except: defaultvenv = 0 else: if not defaultvenv == 0: if os.path.isdir("/var/lib/awx/venv/%s" % (defaultvenv)): while True: try: os.symlink("/var/lib/awx/venv/%s" % (defaultvenv), "/var/lib/awx/venv/ansible") break except FileExistsError: os.remove("/var/lib/awx/venv/ansible") print("Changed default VENV to: %s" % (defaultvenv)) else: print("There doesn't seem to exist a folder at: /var/lib/awx/venv/%s" % (defaultvenv))

try: listvenvs except: listvenvs = 0

if listvenvs: if os.path.islink("/var/lib/awx/venv/ansible"): defaultvenv = os.readlink("/var/lib/awx/venv/ansible") subfolders = [ f.path for f in os.scandir("/var/lib/awx/venv") if f.is_dir() ] print("default VENV") for venv in subfolders: if os.path.basename(venv) != "ansible": if venv == defaultvenv: print(" * %s" % (os.path.basename(venv))) else: print(" %s" % (os.path.basename(venv)))

try: update except: update = 0

if update: print("Checking for updates")

 os.popen('yum clean all')
 res = os.popen('yum check-update ansible-awx')
 result =
 rc1 = res.close()
 rc2 = os.WEXITSTATUS(rc1)

 res1 = os.popen('rpm -aq ansible-awx')
 oldpackageversion =

 if rc2 == 100:
   if query_yes_no("New update is available, do you want to update??"):

     ostype = os.popen('cat /etc/redhat-release | awk \'{ print $1 }\'').read().rstrip()
     osversion = os.popen('cat /etc/os-release |grep "^VERSION=" | cut -f2 -d\\" | cut -c 1-1').read().rstrip()

     print("Unlocking locked packages")
     with open("/usr/share/doc/ansible-awx/awx-locks.txt", "r") as a_file:
       for line in a_file:
         stripped_line = line.strip()
         os.popen('yum versionlock delete %s' % (stripped_line)).read()

     os.popen('yum versionlock delete ansible-awx').read()
     print("Updating AWX-RPM")
     print(os.popen('yum -y install ansible-awx').read())

     print("Re-locking packageversions")
     os.popen('yum versionlock ansible-awx').read()
     with open("/usr/share/doc/ansible-awx/awx-locks.txt", "r") as a_file:
       for line in a_file:
         stripped_line = line.strip()
         os.popen('yum versionlock %s' % (stripped_line)).read()

     print("Doing database migrations")
     if int(osversion) == 7:
       print(os.popen('sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage makemigrations"').read())
       print(os.popen('sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage migrate"').read())
       print(os.popen('sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage makemigrations').read())
       print(os.popen('sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage migrate').read())

     print("Restarting AWX-RPM")
     print(os.popen('systemctl restart awx').read())

     res2 = os.popen('rpm -aq ansible-awx')
     newpackageversion =

     print("Successfully upgraded from %s to %s.. Have fun.." % (oldpackageversion,newpackageversion))



   print("No updates are current available...")

try: install except: install = 0

if install:

 if not os.path.isfile(install_status_file):

   if not query_yes_no('''This is going to install AWX-RPM and all dependencies.. This installer is meant to be easy, not customizable..

This installer may remove system packages to ensure that the correct versions are installed.. Check for advanced install methods and more info.. Do you want to continue? '''): sys.exit(0) ostype = os.popen('cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{ print $1 }'').read().rstrip() osversion = os.popen('cat /etc/os-release |grep "^VERSION=" | cut -f2 -d\" | cut -c 1-1').read().rstrip()

   print('Setting up AWX-RPM')

   print('Configuring SELinux')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('yum -y -q install policycoreutils-python').read())
     print(os.popen('yum -y -q install policycoreutils-python-utils').read())

   print(os.popen('semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8050 && semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8051 && semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 8052 && setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1').read())

   print('Configuring Firewall (Disabling for now/TODO)')

   print(os.popen('systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld').read())

   print('Configure Repositories')

   print('Adding EPEL')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install epel-release').read()) # Fix RHEL

   if ostype == "CentOS" and int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('yum -y -q install centos-release-scl-rh').read())
     print(os.popen('yum -y -q install scl-utils.x86_64').read())

   # Fix RHEL SCL

   print('Adding AWX-RPM Repo')

   if os.path.isfile('/etc/yum.repos.d/ansible-awx.repo'):

   with open('/etc/yum.repos.d/ansible-awx.repo','w') as f:

name=Ansible AWX baseurl=%s/AWX-RPM/CentOS_%s enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 module_hotfixes=True gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-AWX-RPM ''' % (repopath,osversion))

   urllib.request.urlretrieve('%s/RPM-GPG-KEY-AWX-RPM' % (repopath),'/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-AWX-RPM')

   print('Running Yum Update with Allow Erasing')

   print(os.popen('yum update -y -q --allowerasing').read())

   print('Installing Ansible')

   print(os.popen('yum install -y -q ansible').read())

   print('Installing System Prerequsites')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install libcurl-devel').read())
   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install krb5-devel.x86_64 ').read())

   print('Installing Redis')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install redis').read())

   print('Installing PostgreSQL')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('yum -y -q install rh-postgresql10-postgresql-server').read())
     print(os.popen('yum -y -q install postgresql-server').read())

   print('Installing Memcached')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install memcached').read())

   print('Installing NGINX')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install nginx').read())

   print('Installing AWX-RPM')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install ansible-awx').read())

   print('Initialising PostgreSQL')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('scl enable rh-postgresql10 "postgresql-setup initdb"').read())
     print(os.popen('postgresql-setup initdb').read())

   print('Starting PostgreSQL')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('systemctl start rh-postgresql10-postgresql').read())
     print(os.popen('systemctl start postgresql').read())

   print('Creating AWX postgreSQL user and Database')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('sudo -u postgres scl enable rh-postgresql10 "createuser -S awx && createdb -O awx awx"').read())
     print(os.popen('sudo -u postgres createuser -S awx').read())
     print(os.popen('sudo -u postgres createdb -O awx awx').read())

   print('Installing pwgen')

   print(os.popen('yum -y -q install pwgen').read())

   print('Generating Secret key')

   print(os.popen('pwgen 32 > /etc/tower/SECRET_KEY').read())

   print('Initial database migration')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage migrate"').read())
     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage migrate').read())

   print('Creating Admin user')

   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('echo "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser(\'admin\', \'root@localhost\', \'password\')" | sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage shell"').read())
     print(os.popen('echo "from django.contrib.auth.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser(\'admin\', \'root@localhost\', \'password\')" | sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage shell').read())

   print('Adding example data and registering AWX-RPM Instance in database')
   if int(osversion) == 7:
     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage create_preload_data"').read())

     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage provision_instance --hostname=$(hostname)"').read())

     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx scl enable rh-postgresql10 "GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage register_queue --queuename=tower --hostnames=$(hostname)"').read())

     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage create_preload_data').read())

     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage provision_instance --hostname=$(hostname)').read())

     print(os.popen('sudo -u awx GIT_PYTHON_REFRESH=quiet awx-manage register_queue --queuename=tower --hostnames=$(hostname)').read())

   print('Installing NGINX Configuration')

   print(os.popen('/bin/cp -f /usr/share/doc/ansible-awx/nginx.conf.example /etc/nginx/nginx.conf').read())

   print(os.popen('systemctl enable nginx && systemctl start nginx').read())

   print('Configuring Redis')

   with open('/etc/redis.conf','a') as f:
     f.write('unixsocket /var/run/redis/redis.sock')
     f.write('unixsocketperm 770')

   print(os.popen('gpasswd -a awx redis').read())

   print('Creating initial Ansible VENV')


   print('Locking package versions for AWX-RPM and dependencies')

   with open("/usr/share/doc/ansible-awx/awx-locks.txt", "r") as a_file:
     for line in a_file:
       stripped_line = line.strip()
       os.popen('yum versionlock %s' % (stripped_line)).read()

   os.popen('yum versionlock ansible-awx').read()

   print('Starting and enabling AWX-RPM')

   print(os.popen('systemctl enable awx && systemctl start awx').read())

   open(install_status_file, 'a').close()

   print('''Congratulations, AWX-RPM is now installed, and hopefully running on http://%s.

Login: user: admin password: password (remember to change)

Please report any issues at:

awx-create-env can be used for creating virtual ansible python environments (VENVs)..

awx-setup can be used for updating and managing VENVs..

Have fun!!!''' % (platform.node()))



   print("AWX-RPM is already installed and configured..")

def query_yes_no(question, default="no"):

valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True,
         "no": False, "n": False}
if default is None:
    prompt = " [y/n] "
elif default == "yes":
    prompt = " [Y/n] "
elif default == "no":
    prompt = " [y/N] "
    raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

while True:
    sys.stdout.write(question + prompt)
    choice = input().lower()
    if default is not None and choice == '':
        return valid[default]
    elif choice in valid:
        return valid[choice]
        sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                         "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

if name == "main": main(sys.argv[1:])

Lobout avatar May 05 '20 12:05 Lobout