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Email address

Open JGilbert-eLife opened this issue 5 years ago • 7 comments


An email address associated with an author.

User stories


  • (1) As an author, I want to be able to see an email address associated with an author so that I can make sure this information is correct in the published article.

Production staff

  • (2) As production staff, I want to be able to edit an email address associated with an author so that I can correct this information if requested.
  • (3) As production staff, I want to be able to remove an email address to an author so that I can delete incorrect information.
  • (4) As production staff, I want to be able to add an email address to an author so that I can add missing information.

But what if . . . ?


  • eLife requires these for corresponding authors, but requires that they are not present for non-corresponding authors. This consideration will be different for other publishers (corresponding status covered in ticket https://github.com/elifesciences/TextureRequirements/issues/11).
  • For Érudit, one or more authors can have an email address and all the e-mails are displayed in the website: https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/cgq/2010-v54-n152-cgq4005/045646ar/ (at the moment, all authors will an email address will be treated as @corresp="yes").
  • Currently, eLife allows group authors to have multiple email addresses associated with them (see #54)

XML requirements

Captured using the email element, as a child of the appropriate contrib element.

<contrib corresp="yes">
       <email>[email protected]</email>
<contrib corresp="yes">
       <collab>eLife Production Group</collab>
       <email>[email protected]</email>
                     <contrib contrib-type="author">
                                   <given-names>Fred P</given-names>

Group authors may have more than one email address:

<contrib corresp="yes">
      <collab>Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology</collab>
      <email>[email protected]</email>
      <email>[email protected]</email>

Mock ups


JGilbert-eLife avatar Apr 17 '19 12:04 JGilbert-eLife

Could we assume that when an email is provided, that the author is a corresponding author and save that in the XML, but only capture "email" or "not email" in the editor?

michael avatar Apr 24 '19 12:04 michael


Yes for Érudit.

fabiobatalha avatar Apr 24 '19 15:04 fabiobatalha

Could we assume that when an email is provided, that the author is a corresponding author and save that in the XML, but only capture "email" or "not email" in the editor?

This would not work for another journal we are working with for Libero so I think it would not be a good idea to set it up this way. Sorry!

Melissa37 avatar Apr 24 '19 19:04 Melissa37

Could we assume that when an email is provided, that the author is a corresponding author and save that in the XML, but only capture "email" or "not email" in the editor?

Could you elaborate on this?

Having an email and being corresponding author is not necessary the same IMO. What is the reasoning behind this?

Note: I personally try to avoid any implicit mechanism. I.e. if 'corresponding author' is a concept, i would prefer an explicit representation in the model.

obuchtala avatar Apr 24 '19 19:04 obuchtala

Having an email and being corresponding author is not necessary the same IMO. What is the reasoning behind this?

The corresponding author is the person readers should contact if they want to ask the authors something about the paper. The other authors may display their email address, but they are not the official contact for the actual paper. Does that make sense?

I agree, not great.

Melissa37 avatar Apr 24 '19 20:04 Melissa37

Does that make sense?


obuchtala avatar Apr 24 '19 20:04 obuchtala

Understand, let's capture this in two separate fields then. My assumption was based on Erudit's use-case. But makes perfect sense to have emails for a number of authors where only some of them are corresponding authors. Updated the proposal as well to reflect this. See #1269.

michael avatar Apr 25 '19 07:04 michael