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Voids on already released Stripe Charges
Currently, if you try to cancel a pending order 7 days after an authorization has been made, you'll receive a Transaction Declined error.
This happens because stripe will release authorizations automatically after 7 days. When performing a cancel in the admin, the SP gateway will try to void the payment via the SP api which then tries a refund request on the given charge. Stripe will throw 40x error because you can't refund a charge that's already been refunded. SP Api then returns this error back to the client which in turn triggers the Transaction Declined error message.
Possible Solutions
- Update in the SP Api to where they will check stripe (and maybe even other gateway providers) to see if the charge has been already refunded and then return a successful response back to the Client
- Update in the SP api to return a specific error code when trying to refund a charge that's already been refunded, and then in the
check for that error code and allow the transaction to be seen as valid
Currently, to get around this, I've built the following class like this:
namespace JoinEby\Sales\Gateway\Validator;
use Magento\Payment\Gateway\Validator\ValidatorInterface;
use Magento\Payment\Gateway\Validator\AbstractValidator;
use SubscribePro\Service\Transaction\TransactionInterface;
* Stripe will release authorizations after 7 days. If you try to void a charge that's already been released, stripe will throw an error.
* This validator decorator will check for that specific error message and allow the transaction to be valid if that's the case.
class StripeCancelledResponseValidator extends AbstractValidator implements ValidatorInterface
private $validator;
* @var \Swarming\SubscribePro\Gateway\Helper\SubjectReader
protected $subjectReader;
* @param \Magento\Payment\Gateway\Validator\ResultInterfaceFactory $resultFactory
* @param \Swarming\SubscribePro\Gateway\Helper\SubjectReader $subjectReader
public function __construct(
ValidatorInterface $validator,
\Magento\Payment\Gateway\Validator\ResultInterfaceFactory $resultFactory,
\Swarming\SubscribePro\Gateway\Helper\SubjectReader $subjectReader
) {
$this->validator = $validator;
$this->subjectReader = $subjectReader;
* @param array $validationSubject
* @return \Magento\Payment\Gateway\Validator\ResultInterface
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function validate(array $validationSubject)
$transaction = $this->subjectReader->readTransaction($validationSubject);
if ($transaction->getState() != TransactionInterface::STATE_GATEWAY_PROCESSING_FAILED) {
return $this->validator->validate($validationSubject);
$message = $transaction->getResponseMessage();
return $this->createResult(preg_match('/Charge .+ has already been refunded./i', $message) === 1);
and have the following entries in my di.xml
<!-- Decorate the SP Response Validator -->
<type name="JoinEby\Sales\Gateway\Validator\StripeCancelledResponseValidator">
<argument name="validator" xsi:type="object">Swarming\SubscribePro\Gateway\Validator\ResponseValidator</argument>
<!-- VoidCommand - override the validator -->
<type name="Swarming\SubscribePro\Gateway\Command\VoidCommand">
<argument name="validator" xsi:type="object">JoinEby\Sales\Gateway\Validator\StripeCancelledResponseValidator</argument>
This 100% is a brittle hack and will break if any of the messaging changes, but it works for now...