LSP copied to clipboard
Status message not updated properly
E. g. the status message is not cleared when textDocument/publishDiagnostics
becomes empty after I fixed all issues.
It always seems to lag behind one change:
The message is updated if I move the cursor to another line, then come back.
I just updated to LSP 0.14.3.
This is fixed in the ST4 branch. I don't personally see me fixing this in the ST3 branch, as I have been using ST4 full-time for about a year now. You can download an alpha version of ST4 through the Discord channel (see the bottom of the readme page of this repo to find the invite link). Overall, there have been a ton of both small and big improvements.
I checked ST4 and LSP 4070 1.2.6. here's a log corresponding to changing a line
const auto t = 1l;
const auto t = 1s;
const auto t = 1sv;
const auto t = 1s;
in somewhat this order and saving in between.
rafal suggested that something is replacing file's contents.
The problem was auto format on save
Disabling it fixes the issue.
lsp's auto formatting on save doesn't cause this issue.
I've created a project trying to reproduce your issue, but I cannot reproduce it:
I installed the Clang Format plugin. Packages/User/clang_format.sublime-settings is:
"style": "File",
"format_on_save": true,
"binary": "/usr/local/bin/clang-format",
is set to false
in Packages/User/LSP.sublime-settings.
@rwols Thanks for taking the time! I see that the bug doesn't show on small files. I've invited you to see this repo. I added some gibberish files and lots of gtest macros and some clang-tidy errors too. The bug now shows up. i've also added my lsp settings if they're of any use.
Closing because I cannot reproduce this.
It’s apparently still an issue.
I'll assume this was fixed as there were some related changes and there is no reliable reproduction steps in here.