sublime_merge copied to clipboard
`smerge .` Means Open the Current Repository!
Version info
- OS: macOS 13,5
- Build: 2091
Previously smerge .
would open the repository but now it presents me with a Open Dialog.
Steps to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Open repository ...
- Be presented with an Open Dialog.
Expected behavior
- Open repository ...
- Be presented with an open repository.
Debug Information The Sublime Merge debug information can be used to narrow down the cause of an issue. It can be collected with the following steps: === App Version Information === Build: 2091
=== Git Version Information ===
Using Git: git (system)
git version 2.43.0
=== Browse Page Information === HEAD: f5f3c3576a49ea9d8dcac995b2b368964fde2d7d Is in merge: 0 Is in cherry_pick: 0 Is in rebase: 0 Is in revert: 0
=== Git Status Information ===
=== Our Status Information ===
=== Git Config Information ===
alias.addandcofork=!f(){ git remote add $1 $3; git fetch $1; git checkout --track $1/$2; }; f
alias.branch-name=!git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
alias.branches=!f(){ git branch -a; }; f!f(){ git commit $1 --quiet; }; f!f(){ git checkout $1 --quiet; }; f
alias.cofork=!f(){ git fetch $1; git checkout --track $2; }; f
alias.fetchfork=!f() { git fetch $1 $2:$2; }; f
alias.fetchpr=!f() { git fetch $1 refs/pull-requests/$2/from:pr/$2/from; }; f
alias.fresh=!git co main && git pull && git branch --merged | grep -v '*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d
alias.hash=rev-parse HEAD --oneline
alias.lp=log -p
alias.publish=!git push -u origin $(git branch-name)
alias.shorthash=rev-parse --short HEAD
alias.uncommit=git reset --soft HEAD~1
alias.unstage=reset HEAD --
=== Our Config Information ===
Git Config Path Information
Using config path: /opt/homebrew/etc/gitconfig
Using config path: /Users/thoran/.config/git/config
Using config path: /Users/thoran/.gitconfig
Using config path:
Our config output is identical to the Git config output
=== Git Attributes Information === git check_attr --all output
=== Our Modified Files Newline Normalisation and EOL Information ===
=== Our Modified Files Flag Information === Ignoring symlinks: 0
This section may be omitted/removed.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. This section may be omitted/removed.
Presently this is the workaround:
- From a terminal type
open .
- From the Finder drag the directory onto the Sublime Dock icon and then the repo opens in a new tab/window (the tab/window part is another story) without a dialog.
This seems like a regression to me. Why is it taking so long to fix?
FWIW, I cannot reproduce this on kubuntu 24.04; Build 2095. Does this also happen when you run smerge --safe-mode .
I tried smerge --safe-mode .
and that produces the same result. I receive an Open dialog and not an open repository.