Add Integration test to test support for MariaDB databases.
With the feature of refreshing configuration from disk, the steps to snapshot new tables using Debezium signal have to be documented. Related to : #438
``` 154629410 2023-11-16 22:27:30.332 [pool-15502-thread-5] INFO com.altinity.clickhouse.sink.connector.db.DbWriter - *************** EXECUTED BATCH Successfully Records: 12************** task(0) Thread ID: pool-15502-thread-5 Nov 16, 2023 10:29:15 PM com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.BinaryLogClient$5 run INFO: Keepalive: Trying to restore...
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/DBZ-7919 ``` [Sink connector Debezium Event Thread] INFO io.debezium.embedded.EmbeddedEngine - Retriable exception thrown, connector will be restarted; errors.max.retries=-1 org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.RetriableException: An exception occurred in the change event producer. This connector will...
``` healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "if [ \"$$(/sink-connector-client show_replica_status)\" == \"\" ]; then exit 1; fi; exit 0"] interval: 60s timeout: 20s retries: 10 start_period: 600s ```
In lightweight version there is logic to persist offsets to ClickHouse. So if the offsets table is not created it should be treated as a serious error.
As described in this medium post, we need to document the steps to setup heartbeat table in our documentation. https://medium.com/@pawanpg0963/postgres-replication-lag-using-debezium-connector-4ba50e330cd6
The PR for basic support for SQL server needs to be reworked. https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-sink-connector/pull/284