Added kafka connect REST extension classes to test pause and resume endpoints.
Add configuration variable to provide custom sign and version columns
If the table schema contains `MATERIALIZED` or `ALIAS` columns , they should be ignored. ``` `_version` UInt64 MATERIALIZED 1, `_deleted` UInt8 MATERIALIZED 0, `_updated` DateTime MATERIALIZED now() ```
``` debezium-embedded_1 | INFO: Connected to fpif1-txnrepodbl1:3306 at binary.060519/236727937 (sid:976, cid:8830) debezium-embedded_1 | 1326958 2023-10-19 17:17:12.322 [blc-fpif1-txnrepodbl1:3306] INFO io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlStreamingChangeEventSource - Connected to MySQL binlog at fpif1-txnrepodbl1:3306, starting at MySqlOffsetContext [sourceInfoSchema=Schema{io.debezium.connector.mysql.Source:STRUCT},...
document `auto.create.tables` and `enable.ddl` to warn the user that it might wipe out the data.
MongoDB configuration needs to be updated with debezium storage parameters and tests enabled.