``` alter /* gh-ost */ table `p_prod`.`_j_failed_s_g` REMOVE PARTITIONING; ``` ``` create /* gh-ost */ table `p_prod`.`_j_failed_s_g` (\n\t\t\tid int auto_increment primary key\n\t\t) engine=InnoDB comment='ghost-cut-over' ```
closes: #769
A table with ` officeCode int DEFAULT NULL,` to `officeCode Int32,` The NULL constraint is removed after executing ``` alter table employees modify column officeCode int; ```
closes: #574
``` Error running DDL Query: java.sql.SQLException: Code: 62. DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position 27 (end of query): . Expected one of: ON, a list of ALTER commands, ALTER command,...
closes: #803
Add integration test to cover cases where the replication can still be performed using `single.threaded` mode.
closes: #461
Document differences between sink connector lightweight and MaterializedPostgreSQL