CSS-Extended copied to clipboard
Fix the error: plugin_host has exited unexpectedly in 3187 and 3188
error info:
error: plugin_host has exited unexpectedly, plugin functionality won't be available until Sublime Text has been restarted
find the file: style_parser.py
, modify the contents of class class CssExtendedCompletionsFileCommand
class CssExtendedCompletionsFileCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, content):
# add space between any )} chars
# ST3 throws an error in some LESS files that do this
content = re.sub(r'\)\}', r') }', content)
content = re.sub(r'\}', '}\n', content)
content = re.sub(r'\*/', '*/\n', content)
panel = get_output_panel()
# panel.erase(edit, sublime.Region(0, panel.size()))
panel.insert(edit, 0, content)
# call size to force ST to acknowledge new content
# sometimes it seems to fail on knowing new content is there