kmeans_pytorch copied to clipboard
Sometimes I get center_shift=nan and I don't understand why and how can I fix this.
center_shift can be a very large number when the centroids change a lot (in the initial iterations of the K-means algorithm). I am not sure why it would be nan though. Is it possible for you to reproduce the case when center_shift=nan?
yes I obtained it several times
It would be very useful if you can share the code snippet which you are using so that I can reproduce it at my end.
I just took resnet18 and compute a kmeans on its weight (independently on each layer)
So if I understand correctly, you are trying to cluster the weight vectors from different layers. Can you confirm?
clustering the weights of resnet sounds really cool btw !!
yes this is exactly what I am trying to do
@eghouti what distance metric are you using? euclidean
or cosine
I used euclidean distance
same problem reproduced every time
code here
python --dataset cora --self-loop
cluster logits produced by dgl(a grpah ml lib, easy to install)
Toy problem failed, code as follow
import torch
import numpy as np
from kmeans_pytorch import kmeans
# data
data_size, dims, num_clusters = 1000, 1, 3
x = np.random.randn(data_size, dims)
x[x<0.] = 0.
x = torch.from_numpy(x)
# kmeans
cluster_ids_x, cluster_centers = kmeans(
X=x, num_clusters=num_clusters, distance='euclidean', device=torch.device('cuda:0')
The problem comes from: if a cluster_center is an outliner, there are no neighbor points to calculate the mean point. To calculate the mean of none points results in Nan.
For Line80 in
if torch.isnan(selected.mean(dim=0)).sum()==0:
initial_state[index] = selected.mean(dim=0)
In my case, initializing cluster_centers will obtain that error each time, while @GenjiB 's method does work.
Was hitting this constantly trying to switch over from a working sklearn kmeans use case. Thanks for the workaround.