This package is only an abstraction of the phpCAS tool. The implementation requires a Guard to be developed for the authorization portion of AAA. Everyone's CAS/SAML server responses may impact...
Thanks for the insightful feedback. These questions really help with understanding the community needs. I am not a deeply within Laravel these days since I have moved on to Python...
Yes: ```HTTPS_ONLY_COOKIES => True``` sets the cookie flag for secure (sent over TLS) cookies. ```config('APP_DOMAIN')``` sets a domain level restriction on the cookie, eg. yoursite.something.com Together, these enhance the cookie...
check this location: `/tmp/phpCAS.log`
Likely this would be integrated into an auth driver, middleware, and a model. Perhaps try stackoverflow?
I'd recommend checking with https://github.com/apereo/cas since this package leverages and abstracts Apereo CAS. If you find out, please post it back to help others.
In your case you might be better off caching the cookie and testing for cookie existence, prior to performing a CAS auth. This should short circuit this issue entirely, albeit...
Hi @mgallegos, the method you are referring to, maps to a phpCAS method on a client object. You will need to present your CAS logs for troubleshooting as they are...
Almost 2 years without updates... Anyone have good alternatives?
Late to this response party, but if you are viewing this, hopefully you solved your issue already. General suggestion, as I am more on the **security** side these days, consider...