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Unlucky using newest CAS Plugin
Dear all, I have succeed using previous CAS version for Laravel 9 with this config.
`<?php return [ /* |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
CAS Hostname |
Example: ''. |
'cas_hostname' => env('CAS_HOSTNAME', ''),
| CAS Authorized Hosts
| Example: ''. This is used when SAML is active and is
| recommended for protecting against DOS attacks. If using load
| balanced hosts, then separate each with a comma.
'cas_real_hosts' => env('CAS_REAL_HOSTS', ''),
| Customize CAS Session Cookie Name
'cas_session_name' => env('CAS_SESSION_NAME', 'CASAuth'),
| Laravel has it's own authentication sessions. Unless you want phpCAS
| to manage the session, leave this set to false. Note that the
| middleware and redirect classes will be handling removal
| of the Laravel sessions when this is set to false.
'cas_control_session' => env('CAS_CONTROL_SESSIONS', false),
| Enable using this as a cas proxy
'cas_proxy' => env('CAS_PROXY', false),
| Cas Port
| Usually 443
'cas_port' => env('CAS_PORT', 443),
| Sometimes is /cas
'cas_uri' => env('CAS_URI', '/cas'),
| CAS Validation
| CAS server SSL validation: 'self' for self-signed certificate, 'ca' for
| certificate from a CA, empty for no SSL validation.
'cas_validation' => env('CAS_VALIDATION', ''),
| CA Certificate
| Path to the CA certificate file. For production use set
| the CA certificate that is the issuer of the cert
'cas_cert' => env('CAS_CERT', ''),
| CN Validation (if you are using CA certs)
| If for some reason you want to disable validating the certificate
| intermediaries, here is where you can. Recommended to leave
| this set with default (true).
'cas_validate_cn' => env('CAS_VALIDATE_CN', true),
| CAS Login URI
| Empty is fine
'cas_login_url' => env('CAS_LOGIN_URL', ''),
| CAS Logout URI
'cas_logout_url' => env('CAS_LOGOUT_URL', ''),
| CAS Logout Redirect Services
| If your server supports redirection services, enter the redirect url
| in this section. If left blank, it will default to disabled.
'cas_logout_redirect' => env('CAS_LOGOUT_REDIRECT', ''),
| CAS Successful Logon Redirection Url
| By default, CAS will assume that the user should be redirected to the
| page in which the call was initiated. You can override this method
| and force the user to be redirected to a specific URL here.
'cas_redirect_path' => env('CAS_REDIRECT_PATH', ''),
| CAS Supports SAML 1.1, allowing you to retrieve more than just the
| user identifier. If your CAS authentication service supports
| this feature, you may be able to retrieve user meta data.
'cas_enable_saml' => env('CAS_ENABLE_SAML', false),
| CAS will support version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 of the protocol. It is recommended
| to use version 2.0, 3.0, or SAML 1.1. If you enable SAML, then that
| will override this configuration.
'cas_version' => env('CAS_VERSION', "3.0"),
| Enable PHPCas Debug Mode
| Options are:
| 1) true (defaults logfile creation to /tmp/phpCAS.log)
| 2) 'path/to/logfile'
| 3) false
'cas_debug' => env('CAS_DEBUG', false),
| Enable Verbose error messages. Not recommended for production.
| true | false
'cas_verbose_errors' => env('CAS_VERBOSE_ERRORS', false),
| This will cause CAS to skip authentication and assume this user id.
| This should only be used for developmental purposes. getAttributes()
| will return null in this condition.
'cas_masquerade' => env('CAS_MASQUERADE', '')
I would liket to migrate the application to Laravel v11 and the latest CAS plugin. I was tried using above config, and also using this .env variable as follow:
But it does not work
I need an advice, what is the problem? Is there any unmatched setting?