callapp-lib icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
callapp-lib copied to clipboard

🔥call app from h5(H5唤起客户端 )

Results 25 callapp-lib issues
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+ npm 版本号: + 配置 Option: ``` js const option = { scheme: {}, outChain: {}, intent: {}, universal: {}, appstore: '', yingyongbao: '', fallback: '', }; ``` + 机型、系统、APP:...

+ npm 版本号: + 配置 Option: ``` js const option = { scheme: {}, outChain: {}, intent: {}, universal: {}, appstore: '', yingyongbao: '', fallback: '', }; ``` + 机型、系统、APP:...

+ npm 版本号: 3.5.0 + 配置 Option: ``` js const option = { scheme: {}, outChain: {}, intent: {}, universal: {}, appstore: '', yingyongbao: '', fallback: '', }; ``` +...

+ npm 版本号: + 配置 Option: ``` js const option = { scheme: {}, outChain: {}, intent: {}, universal: {}, appstore: '', yingyongbao: '', fallback: '', }; ``` + 机型、系统、APP:...

目前根据源码看, IOS是通过universalLink唤端, 安卓是应用宝或者自定义, 是否考虑通过微信开放标签处理微信场景下唤端 可以参考这个文章 通过js插入开放标签, 绝对定位提高层级, 让开放标签放在元素上面,感觉是点击元素,实际点击的是开放标签

【版本】: "callapp-lib": "^3.5.1", 【问题】: h5中唤起APP直接跳到了AppStore(iOS手机上),实际上本机已经安装了对应APP,并且跳转过去的时候会有弹窗提示 提示内容类似: “不允许打开“****”外部地址 有没有问题沟通的群啊,钉钉群过期了

+ npm 版本号: 版本3.5.1 + 配置 Option: const options = { universal: { host:"", }, //要打开的 APP 的标识 intent: { package: "tech.nani.www.nani", //包名 scheme: "lunfou", }, scheme: { protocol: 'lunfou',...


+ npm 版本号: [email protected] + 配置 Option: ``` js const option = { scheme:{ protocol: comeduyunappfactoryykt }, intent: { scheme: comeduyunappfactoryykt, package:, }, timeout: 3000 }; ``` ![image]( +...