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headphones integration
Did you plan to integrate headphones in a future version of HTPC-Manager ? You already have couchpotato for movies, sickbeard for tv show. Add headphones for music seems logic.
This has also been asked by other users before. I am not going to work on this feature, but it is definitely possible.
My focus at the moment is to make HTPC Manager as stable as possible. So i will not be working on any new features.
However, since anyone can contribute, maybe someone else is willing to work on this?
Thanks for your reply. I totally agree with your priority.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to contribute. I hope someone else would.
Anyway, thanks for sharing your work.
I really hope someone will be able to manage this, That would make HTPC-manager complete and a replacement for Maraschino
i too would like for headphones integration to be included.
Would love this and Mylar.
+1! Headphones is still not a dead project and if you support CP for movies, SB for tv, then HP for music should be available as well!