objc-JSONRpc copied to clipboard
An objective-c 2.0 JSON RPC Client
An objective-c 2.0 JSON RPC Client. Currently only supports json rpc version 2.0.
- Support ARC (might be a problem since JSONKit does not support ARC at the moment)
- Single calls
- Notifications
- Multicall
Follow these simple steps:
- Add RPC Client folder from within this project to your project
- #import "JSONRPCClient+Invoke.h"
- Start doing calls
NB: Remove JSONKit either from this client or your project if you already uses it to avoid symbol conflicts.
JSONRPCClient *rpc = [[JSONRPCClient alloc] initWithServiceEndpoint:@"... URL to your endpoint"];
[rpc invoke:@"your method" params:nil onCompleted:^(RPCResponse *response) {
NSLog(@"Respone: %@", response);
NSLog(@"Error: %@", response.error);
NSLog(@"Result: %@", response.result);
[rpc release];
Invoking methods/requests
These methods is public when you have an instance of the RPC Client.
* Invokes a RPCRequest against the end point
* @param RPCRequest reqeust The request to invoke
* @param RPCCompletedCallback A callback method to invoke when request is done (or any error accours)
* @return NSString The used request id. Can be used to match callback's if neccesary
- (NSString *) invoke:(RPCRequest*) request onCompleted:(RPCCompletedCallback)callback;
* Invokes a method against the end point
* @param NSString method The method to invoke
* @param id Either named or un-named parameter list (or nil)
* @param RPCCompletedCallback A callback method to invoke when request is done (or any error accours)
* @return NSString The used request id. Can be used to match callback's if neccesary
- (NSString *) invoke:(NSString*) method params:(id) params onCompleted:(RPCCompletedCallback)callback;
* Invokes a method against endpoint providing a way to define both a success callback and a failure callback.
* @param NSString method The method to invoke
* @param id Either named or un-named parameter list (or nil)
* @param RPCSuccessCallback A callback method to invoke when request finishes successfull
* @param RPCFailedCallback A callback method to invoke when request finishes with an error
* @return NSString The used request id. Can be used to match callback's if neccesary
- (NSString *) invoke:(NSString*) method params:(id) params onSuccess:(RPCSuccessCallback)successCallback onFailure:(RPCFailedCallback)failedCallback;
Invoking multicall
Multicalls is a great way to send multiple requests as once.
* Sends batch of RPCRequest objects to the server. The call to this method must be nil terminated.
* @param RPCRequest request The first request to send
* @param ...A list of RPCRequest objects to send, must be nil terminated
- (void) batch:(RPCRequest*) request, ...;
Example of a multicall
JSONRPCClient *rpc = [[JSONRPCClient alloc] initWithServiceEndpoint:@"..."];
RPCRequest *doWork = [RPCRequest requestWithMethod:@"doWork" params:nil];
doWork.callback = ^(RPCResponse *response)
// Handle response here
RPCRequest *doSomeOtherWork = [RPCRequest requestWithMethod:@"doSomeOtherWork" params:nil];
doSomeOtherWork.callback = ^(RPCResponse *response)
// Handle response here
[rpc batch:doWork, doSomeOtherWork, nil];
[rpc release];
Invoking notifications
You need to #import "JSONRPCClient+Notification.h"
to add notification support to the JSONRPCClient. These methods are added to the class as a category.
* Sends a notification to json rpc server.
* @param NSString method Method to call
- (void) notify:(NSString *)method;
* Sends a notification to json rpc server.
* @param NSString method Method to call
* @param id Either named or un-named parameter list (or nil)
- (void) notify:(NSString *)method params:(id)params;
Example of a notification
This could be used to keep a session alive on a webserver
JSONRPCClient *rpc = [[JSONRPCClient alloc] initWithServiceEndpoint:@"..."];
[rpc notify:@"keepAlive"];
[rpc release];
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Read more: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/