Martin Styner
Martin Styner
The current SlicerSALT shape analysis module does not provide an option to perform also Generalized rigid-body procrustes alignment as in the original SPHARM-PDM pipeline. Such a alignment is the norm...
In command line mode, the diffusion check and replace for correct gradient info does not replace the gradient information
Some nice & clean DWIs are excluded in slice wise check as there is no minimal correction threshold setting. We need to add that slices with a minimal threshold, e.g....
The current automatic brain masking is too inclusive for the purpose of entropy computation. Enable a new method that computes a restricted brain mask only comprising WM and GM excluding...
The entropy/direction checking writes a tensor image (tensor.nrrd) temporarily for the computation of the primary direction distribution. This is written in the current working directory, wherever DTIprep is started. This...