nullability-annotations-inspection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nullability-annotations-inspection copied to clipboard

Update for IJ 2021.2

Open jbeckers opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

I've noticed that this plugin stopped working in IJ 2021.2 EAP, an exception is thrown because it tries to use a class that was deprecated/removed. At least I think that's what happens, the exception is a bit unclear.

As a first step to address this, this PR modernizes the plugin structure and fixes all Plugin Verifier warnings.

I presume this also fixes the exception. I'm using this version as we speak, will report back in a few days.

jbeckers avatar Jun 22 '21 20:06 jbeckers


@stylismo, can I ask you whether you intend to maintain this project in the future? If not, I'll probably also fork it.

MHajoha avatar Aug 13 '21 13:08 MHajoha

@jbeckers , @stylismo, @yborovikov or @MHajoha: Does anyone intend to publish a new release on the plugin repository?

Clindbergh avatar Jan 27 '22 12:01 Clindbergh

I'm not a maintainer here, and I have no intention to fork this plugin on the marketplace.

@stylismo is this plugin abandoned?

jbeckers avatar Jan 27 '22 13:01 jbeckers