snapguidist icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
snapguidist copied to clipboard

Styled Components

Open ForbesLindesay opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

I don't know how much work it would be, but I'd love to see something like integrated into snapguidist, so I can actually review the diffs to class names, rather than just having to trust that they're correct.

ForbesLindesay avatar Jun 29 '17 17:06 ForbesLindesay

This is another very good point, thanks @ForbesLindesay. At the moment we are rendering the components on the client and passing the rendered tree to an endpoint which takes the snapshots, therefore we don't have access to the Stylesheet. But it's definitely something worth experimenting.

MicheleBertoli avatar Jul 01 '17 08:07 MicheleBertoli