polished icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
polished copied to clipboard

Typescript Error

Open stevengrimaldo opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

  • polished version: ^4.2.2
  • JSS-in_CSS library and version: ^5.3.5
  • Any relevant JS library and version: Next.js 13.0.3

Mixin/Helper/Shorthand Usage


import { rbga } from 'polished';

const shadeOf = (color: string, opacity: number): string =>
  rbga(color, opacity);

export default shadeOf;


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    "noEmit": true,
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What You Are Seeing

"Module '"polished"' has no exported member 'rbga'."

It wont let me upload an image, it has failed 7 times now. There is a red line under the word "rbga" in the import line and shows that message above.

What You Expected To See

No typescript error


stevengrimaldo avatar Nov 30 '22 21:11 stevengrimaldo