Stuart Yamartino

Results 59 comments of Stuart Yamartino

I just tested this in the online editor and sent a test email to myself and it worked on my iPhone 13 runnings iOS 15.5 in Apple Mail. Try sending...

hover status is something we are working on. the way to do it would be to add a section in the of the html that has the hover code and...

@mykeln not currently, not sure if there is a way you can do that with premailer. Maybe you could pass in the block after compile or something Im not sure...

That is just an on / off situation for the whole email, don't know of a way to do it for a specific section, maybe premailer has an updated way...

Looks like the tests are failing because of this change. If you have time and can take a stab at fixing the tests or figuring out what to do here....

Oh interesting, yeah I knew as of up until recently dart sass wasn't supported in ruby environment yet but seems like at least 1 person has taken a stab at...

Good questions, it would be good to not have to require a version and allow it to be more flexible, haven't look into this stuff in a while. Would be...

You're best option is to use the [online editor]( and precompile the emails that you want and use those in whatever framework you are using. Whenever you need a new...

Performance is important, it is something we are constantly trying to improve. After more of the new alpha 1.0.0 version is solidified performance will become a bigger priority 👍

Hi there @ManuC84 👋 could you explain what about it is not working? What are you seeing?