EventTranscriptParser copied to clipboard
Python based tool to extract forensic info from EventTranscript.db (Windows Diagnostic Data)
EventTranscriptParser is python based tool to extract forensically useful details from EventTranscript.db (Windows Diagnostic Database).
The database is found in Windows 10 systems and present at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\EventTranscript\EventTranscript.db
The tool currently supports the following features.
- Extracts Microsoft Edge browsing history
- Extracts application inventory
- Extracts Wireless scan results.
- Extracts successful WiFi connection events
- Extracts User's default preferences (Video player, default browser etc...)
- Extracts SRUM information
- Application execution
- Application network usage
- Extracts Application execution activity
Python 3.8 or above. The older versions of Python 3.x should work fine as well.
These are the required python libraries/modules needed to run the script
- json
- os
- sqlalchemy
- csv
- argparse
All the above modules are available by default in python3. Incase one or the other is missing, you can install by
pip install <package-name>
Tip: Before running the tool against the database, make sure that the -wal (Write Ahead Log) file data is merged with the original database. Because you might miss out on crucial/juicy data.
The tool is completely CLI based and there are 2 ways to use it.
Using Python
python3 EventTranscriptParser.py -f <Path-To-EventTranscript.db> -o <Path-To-Output-Directory>
To view help,
python3 EventTranscriptParser.py -h
Using Executable
If you do not have python pre-installed in you system or have issues with the running the script, you can use the compiled executable. The executable is also CLI based.
Download the executable from https://github.com/stuxnet999/EventTranscriptParser/releases
.\EventTranscriptParser.exe -f .\EventTranscript.db -o .\CSV-Output\
The executable was compiled using pyinstaller
Compiling on your own
If you wish to compile on your own, use the commands below in any command prompt/terminal window.
pip install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --onefile EventTranscriptParser.py
You will find the compiled executable in the dist
Demo video
Here is a demo video of the usage of the tool.
This tool wouldn't have been possible without the excellent research & hard work put in by my colleagues Andrew Rathbun & Josh Mitchell in investigating the Windows Diagnostic Data.
Read more about their research here - https://github.com/rathbuna/EventTranscript.db-Research
Follow the investigative series at Kroll on EventTranscript.db - https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/forensically-unpacking-eventtranscript
Abhiram Kumar
- Twitter: @_abhiramkumar
- Personal blog: https://stuxnet999.github.io