Michael Moore
Michael Moore
@andrewminion-luminfire The _WHERE 1=1_ piece is used so that all additional conditions can simply be appended with an "AND xxxx", "AND xxxx". Since there's already a known true value at...
Here you go http://stuporglue.org/familyhistory/download/14915_individuals.ged http://stuporglue.org/familyhistory/download/19436_individuals.ged The test script I'm using: http://stuporglue.org/familyhistory/download/test.txt ------------- Testing PhpGedcom\Parser on 14915_individuals.ged ------------- Found 14915 individuals Found 10568 families Used 146MB memory. Took 18 seconds -------------...
Not yet, sorry. I haven't had time to get to it. If you make a fix, I'd accept a pull request!
Unfortunately being the best doesn't make it perfect :-) I haven't touched the code in 5 years, but if I were to pick up the project today I would probably...
As far as templates and themes go, I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. Hopefully people will want to use this in a variety of settings. Right now...
Hi runningrandall, It's not possible yet. We haven't yet figured out how we want to deal with multiple spouses -- is that what you mean? You can see a demo...
Each ancestor is in its own div already, their spouse just looks like they're combined. Are you wanting to not display the focus person spouse at all?
So the spouses are not shown at all then?
@runningrandall In the input JSON doesn't list a spouse I think it should make boxes as you're requesting: Eg. if [this file](https://github.com/dovy/Pedigree-Viewer/blob/master/data.json) had ``` "husb": [], "wife":[] ``` for each...
I'm afraid you're going to need to dig into the source code for that one. I don't recall of the top of my head and I won't have time to...