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A Church implementation that compiles to Javascript.


JSChurch is deprecated. If you are looking to write probabilistic programs in Scheme syntax, webchurch is your best bet. You can use it online at probmods.org, or on your computer via nodejs. If you are not tied to Scheme syntax, I recommend webppl, our most recent probabilistic programming language. webppl is significantly faster than previous implementations, and additionally supports particle filtering and best-first enumeration inference strategies.


  • jschurch make builds the Church compiler in Javascript.
  • jschurch webservice additionally combines all Javascript needed to run Church code (via scheme2js web service) into a single file.
  • jschurch run filename.church compiles filename.church to Javascript using the Church compiler generated by make, then runs the program using node.


To get access to the bher and jschurch command line tools and scheme libraries from any directory, cd into the bher directory and type:

echo -e "\nexport PATH=`pwd`:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc 
echo -e "\nexport IKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`:\$IKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Replace ~/.bashrc with the path to your shell configuration file.