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Create advanced crew search controls
We've continued to expand ways you can search and filter crew, but the single text field can be confusing or unintuitive.
A few separate controls, shown if user clicks "Advanced Search", could go a long way to making it easier.
For example, have a section for "traits" which uses tags type input. Have a section for skills that lets the user tick "has MED" or select which primary skill to search for, etc etc.
It would be exceptionally helpful here if you could, while in Player Tools ( -> Crew, use the search field to filter by tier, for example:
If you type in "Tier 2" it should find all matching crew that are within that tier under the "Level __, Tier __" attribute field:
You can sort by tier by clicking the Crew column multiple times.
I'm sorry @ineffyble, I'm not seeing how this solves the problem: I'm trying to illustrate that having the ability to search for only "Tier 2" for example as I have above, should filter the text that is there in the resultant rows below. This would make it possible, as a use case, to show only the crew that one has that is at "Tier 2" and then share this result with a fleet for discussion or to allow you to make other interesting matches.
@ylluminate ah okay, your first comment said "sort" not "filter" which led me down wrong path
Right, gotcha, thanks and I've replaced that term to indicate the appropriate function. Maybe "Search..." should also be renamed "Search / Filter..." instead of just "Search..." too.
Another thing that would be useful is if filtering/search could be added to the "Crew Retrieval" tab functionality. That would, with the above filtering option for other fields, be incredibly useful.