dotfiles copied to clipboard
My dotfiles
My dotfiles
- Clone this repo (on your home for example ~/.dotfiles).
- Make symbolics links of the configuration file you want.
- Install Neovim (nightly version)
- Make a symbolic link (or just copy the folder) of
- Install vim plug (plugin manager)
- Open Neovim and do
Test it with Docker
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src -v $HOME/.local/share/stsewd-nvim/plugged:/root/.local/share/nvim/plugged stsewd/neovim
Install the plugins
nvim +PlugInstall
Reopen Neovim and start coding.
To update the docker image just run docker pull stsewd/neovim
Check config/nvim/init.vim
for see all the plugins, settings and key-bindings, it's well documented.
Recommended tools
- kitty as terminal emulator
- zsh + ohmyzsh as shell
- Nerd fonts for a patched font to have nice characters inside Neovim (I use JetBrains Mono)
- JetBrains Mono font with ligatures support
- fzf for fuzzy search
- ripgrep for recursive search using regular expressions
- nvm for installing and managing Node versions
- pyenv for installing and managing Python versions
- hub (git wrapper for GitHub)
- tldr