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Scripts for preprocessing the CoNLL-2005 SRL dataset.
Scripts for preprocessing the CoNLL-2005 SRL dataset.
- Python 3
- Bash
- A copy of the Penn TreeBank
Basic CoNLL-2005 pre-processing
These pre-processing steps download the CoNLL-2005 data and gather gold part-of-speech and parse info from your copy of the PTB. The output will look like:
The DT (S(NP-SBJ-1(NP* * - - (A1*
economy NN * * - - *
's POS *) * - - *
temperature NN *) * - - *)
will MD (VP* * - - (AM-MOD*)
be VB (VP* * - - *
taken VBN (VP* * 01 take (V*)
- Field 1: word form
- Field 2: gold part-of-speech tag
- Field 3: gold sytax
- Field 4: placeholder
- Field 5: verb sense
- Field 6: predicate (infinitive form)
- Field 7+: for each predicate, a column representing the labeled arguments of the predicate.
First, set up paths to existing data:
export WSJ="/your/path/to/wsj/"
export BROWN="/your/path/to/brown"
Download CoNLL-2005 data and scripts:
Extract pos/parse info from gold data:
Format into combined output files:
Further pre-processing (e.g. for LISA)
Sometimes it's nice to convert constituencies to dependency parses and provide automatic part-of-speech tags, e.g. if you wish to train a parsing model. BIO format is also a more standard way of representing spans than the default CoNLL-2005 format. This pre-processing converts the constituency parses to Stanford dependencies (v3.5), assigns automatic part-of-speech tags from the Stanford left3words tagger, and converts SRL spans to BIO format. The output will look like:
conll05 0 0 The DT DT 2 det _ - - - - O B-A1
conll05 0 1 economy NN NN 4 poss _ - - - - O I-A1
conll05 0 2 's POS POS 2 possessive _ - - - - O I-A1
conll05 0 3 temperature NN NN 7 nsubjpass _ - - - - O I-A1
conll05 0 4 will MD MD 7 aux _ - - - - O B-AM-MOD
conll05 0 5 be VB VB 7 auxpass _ - - - - O O
conll05 0 6 taken VBN VBN 0 root _ 01 take - - O B-V
- Field 1: domain placeholder
- Field 2: sentence id
- Field 3: token id
- Field 4: word form
- Field 5: gold part-of-speech tag
- Field 6: auto part-of-speech tag
- Field 7: dependency parse head
- Field 8: dependency parse label
- Field 9: placeholder
- Field 10: verb sense
- Field 11: predicate (infinitive form)
- Field 12: placeholder
- Field 13: placeholder
- Field 14: NER placeholder
- Field 15+: for each predicate, a column representing the labeled arguments of the predicate.
First, set up paths to Stanford parser and part-of-speech tagger:
export STANFORD_PARSER="/your/path/to/stanford-parser-full-2017-06-09"
export STANFORD_POS="/your/path/to/stanford-postagger-full-2017-06-09"
The following script will then convert dependencies, tag, and reformat the data. This will create a new file in the
directory with the same name as the input and suffix .parse.sdeps.combined
is not set, you should set it to the conll05st-release
./bin/ $CONLL05/train-set.gz
./bin/ $CONLL05/dev-set.gz
./bin/ $CONLL05/test.wsj.gz
./bin/ $CONLL05/test.brown.gz
Now all that remains is to convert fields to BIO format. The following script will create a new file
in the same directory as the old file with the suffix .bio
./bin/ $CONLL05/train-set.gz.parse.sdeps.combined
./bin/ $CONLL05/dev-set.gz.parse.sdeps.combined
./bin/ $CONLL05/test.wsj.gz.parse.sdeps.combined
./bin/ $CONLL05/test.brown.gz.parse.sdeps.combined
You may also want to generate a matrix of transition probabilities for performing Viterbi inference at test time. You can use the following to do so:
python3 bin/ --in_file_name $CONLL05/ > $CONLL05/transition_probs.tsv
Pre-processing for evaluation scripts
To evaluate using the CoNLL
scripts, you'll need files in a different
format to evaluate against. To generate files for parse evaluation (
), use the following script:
python3 bin/eval/ --input_file $CONLL05/dev-set.gz.parse.sdeps.combined --id_field 2 --word_field 3 --pos_field 4 --head_field 6 --label_field 7 > $CONLL05/conll2005-dev-gold-parse.txt
For SRL evaluation, use the following:
python3 bin/eval/ --input_file $CONLL05/dev-set.gz.parse.sdeps.combined --take_last --word_field 3 --pred_field 10 --first_prop_field 14 > $CONLL05/conll2005-dev-gold-props.txt