lein-init-script copied to clipboard
A leiningen plugin that generates *NIX daemon scripts.
A leiningen plugin that generates *NIX init scripts.
In a nutshell, LIS generates the following artifacts which can be found in your
Project Uberjar
d script Paired down from the Fedora Core init script template, injected with values from your lein project.clj.
script Creates (but does not overwrite) the :pid-dir, :install-dir, and :init-script-install-dir directories. To override the defaults see the Configuration section below.
script Removes the init script, and uberjar from their respective install paths. Does not remove any created directories.
If you have an feature suggestions / bug reports, please open up an issue
Because it was too damn time-consuming to turn a java program into a *nix daemon service that can be started / stopped asyncronously, chkconfig'd, etc.
For Leiningen v1.x, add [org.clojars.strongh/lein-init-script "1.3.1"]
to the :dev-dependencies section in your project.clj.
With Leiningen v2, add [org.clojars.strongh/lein-init-script "1.3.1"]
to your user plugins.
lein-init-script takes several options in the form of:
{:name "override-project-name"
:pid-dir "/var/run"
:install-dir "/usr/local/my-project-name"
:init-script-install-dir "/etc/init.d"
:redirect-output-to "/log/file"
:properties {:clj-config.env "dev"
:java.library.path "/some/dir"
:init.script.test.prop "prop with spaces"}
:jar-args ["-p" "8080"]
:jvm-opts ["-server"
which are passed to the the init-script task by adding a :lis-opts entry to the project map. For example:
(defproject init-script-test "0.1.0"
:description "Test project for lein-init-script"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.1.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.1.0"]]
:dev-dependencies [[org.clojars.strongh/lein-init-script "1.3.1"]]
:lis-opts {:redirect-output-to "/var/log/init-script-test.log"
:properties {:clj-config.env "dev"
:java.library.path "/some/dir"
:init.script.test.prop "prop with spaces"}
:jvm-opts ["-server"
:main main)
Create a main class for your project, run lein init-script
, and check the ./init-script directory. Typically you'll want to run ./init-script/install-project
and then restart with e.g. /etc/init.d/projectd restart
ring uberjar and others
If you're using ring uberjar
you can disable running vanilla uberjar
by init-script
. To do this set :run-uberjar?
to false and run arbitrary xxx uberjar
before calling init-script. To do it in one like use do
lein do ring uberjar, init-script
No Windows support at this time, if you'd like to see support for windows services, please open up an issue.