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Unable to set Card Number placeholder value on CardField
Describe the bug Cannot set the placeholder value for the number field on CardField component, it defaults to 4242 4242 4242 4242 even when a string is provided. After upgrading from 0.2.1 to 0.18.1 and following the change logs recommendation on the breaking change for the placeholder prop to be changed from placeholder={} to placeholders={} it seems that we cannot get a placeholder anymore.
To Reproduce Use <CardField /> Component Set placeholder as such
number: `${translate('signupScreen.form.step_3.cardNumber')} `, // Note: This extra space is to force the numeric field to be long enough (Android issue).
cvc: translate('signupScreen.form.step_3.cvc'),
expiration: translate('signupScreen.form.step_3.mmyy'),
Expected behavior The number placeholder to be set correctly.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Version [e.g. 22]
Smartphone (please complete the following information): iOS 15+, Android 12+
Additional context Only started occuring after upgrade from version 0.2.1 -> 0.18.1
Hm, this code is working in our example app. Are you using Expo, and maybe the native code isn't matching the JS version?
My issue got deleted without any response
@Ibad9 I responded to you in your issue:
Please don't post in other unrelated issues, it'll cause notification spam for the original issue poster
@charliecruzan-stripe Thank you for the response, we're not using Expo and the JS/native versions do match. It seems to be an intermittent issue that I currently can't reproduce. So was hoping that maybe someone here had seen it before. It all looks correct to me and can't reproduce even on the same device/OS so I'm working through trying to find the cause. Will update here if I get more info, thanks.
@ChristianLippaGoodfood I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior. Could you lay out the steps for me to reproduce this myself? Including installation steps
@charliecruzan-stripe This issue kind of got pushed back in priority for us but I will try to get the steps to you as soon as possible.
Currently working on a PoC with the Card Form component and experienced this happening.
Installation steps:
npx react-native init stripePoC --template react-native-template-typescript
yarn add @stripe/[email protected] // or yarn add @stripe/stripe-react-native
We're using the following dependencies:
"react": "18.1.0",
"react-native": "0.70.10",
"@stripe/stripe-react-native": "0.19.0", // also tried with the latest version
These placeholders work for the CardField, just not for CardForm.
number: 'This is a card',
cvc: 'Something',
expiration: 'When the card expires',
onCardChange={cardDetails => {
height: 30,
defaultValues={{countryCode: 'TH'}}
number: 'This is a card',
cvc: 'Something',
expiration: 'When the card expires',
style={{height: '100%'}}
This is working for me on Android- are you trying on iOS? This prop is Android-only: