Sheena Trepanier
Sheena Trepanier
@grgia - Are you recommending the External label on this?
Internal job posting: ---- External job posting:
@eVoloshchak - Looks like there is a proposal to review for this. When you get a chance please review and if you are okay with the solution ping the CME...
@tienifr - Just a friendly bump to response to the comment from @eVoloshchak [here]( Thanks I am out of the office tomorrow. If there is an urgent need on this...
Reviewing this shortly and if the External label is put on the issue then an external dev can contribute. This was assigned after I logged off Friday so I haven't...
I am able to recreate this so sending to External. Steps to recreate: 1. Log into 2. Click on Icon > About 3. Hover over links with mouse, 4....
Upwork job created: ---- Job posting:
@eVoloshchak - Looks like we have a couple of proposals to review. I'll keep checking in daily while you review and decide which one we'll go with. Thank you!
🤔 Great question, I'm not sure I know the answer for sure but I'll ask internally and see what I can find out.
@Beamanator I'm having a hard time finding how we'd want to work this, can you weigh in on @eVoloshchak's question [here](