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Sub topics in notebooks
It would be great if you could down the road, add SUB-TOPICS (deeper in the tree). Only one level is not enough for heavy users.... At least two more levels ... ie.: Notebook > Topic > Sub-Topic > Sub-Sub-Topic > Notes, Notes, ... etc.
Complex hierarchies are counter-productive that is why Notesnook has a strict organization structure. Having more than 2 layers at first sounds appealing but eventually it becomes just as hard to find a note as if it weren't organized at all. Simple hierarchy is predictable — at any time you know exactly where a note is because the hierarchy can be easily remembered.
I don't think this has anything to do with being a heavy user or not — just preference. In the end, I have found simple but many structures to be more useful over complex but few structures.
I do not agree. Specially NotesNook fails to find searchs from categories. It only finds if on notes side. I've been using notes systems for a very long time and with hundreds of categories and am telling from experience.
From my experiences I prefer to be able to choose the organization structure of the notes to my needs than being stuck with only two level organization like Evernote. That is one of the main reason I've stop using Evernote.
I also think that any type hierarchy should NOT be imposed. The user should be able to choose how much deep he wants to link his/her notes or maybe not even add a single topic under notebook (notes directly under notebook).
We are looking into how we can improve the current organization system.
I agree with OP, I tried to switch to Notesnook for my uni notes, but my usual hierarchy did not work as intended. notebook [uni] -> topic [semester x] -> topic [math] -> notes It just got too confusing when I had multiple notebooks for my uni classes and a few for my personal notes, so currently I am using OneNote and Notion for uni because they allow that structure.
It would be nice to have in the Roadmap list a ridefinition of the notes organizational structure to include sub-topic in notebooks.
We are looking into how we can improve the current organization system.
a place--probably in the sidebar--to view all "untagged" notes would be very nice.