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tutorial-processor doumentation required updates
HI @metadaddy, I'm following "Creating a Custom StreamSets Processor" tutorial as follows https://github.com/streamsets/tutorials/tree/master/tutorial-processor
and it mentions a pipeline, based on the "SDC taxi data tutorial" - but unfortunately the href says content not found here https://streamsets.com/documentation/datacollector/latest/help/Tutorial/Overview.html
can you please check this and update?
also, while I was building the template using
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests
it failed with the message "The POM for com.streamsets:streamsets-datacollector-api:jar: is missing, no dependency information available"
I then had to manually update the streamsets.version to (latest) in the pom.xml as follows
And I think it's also missing "how to import the stage to streamsets" for those who are using "streamsets docker container version"
Login to streamsets, go to package manager > external libraries > install external libraries > select the tarball generated in the previous step (mvn build) upload and restart docker container