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As a User I want to be able to subscribe to streameth.
User Story
As a user, I want to be able to view pricing options, subscribe to a plan, and manage my subscription, so that I can access premium features and monitor my usage.
Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Given I am on the main application page, when I click on the "Pricing" option in the sidebar, then I should see a pricing page with different subscription tiers and their features.
- [ ] Given I am not subscribed or have run out of hours, when I look at the navbar, then I should see a "Get more hours" button.
- [ ] Given I am on the pricing page, when I select a subscription tier, then I should be able to complete the payment process using Stripe.
- [ ] Given I have successfully subscribed, when I use the application, then my subscription tier and consumed hours should be accurately reflected in real-time.
- [ ] Given I am not subscribed or have no more hours, when I click on a premium feature, then I should see a dialog prompting me to upgrade or purchase more hours.
- [ ] Given I am a subscribed user, when I look at the navbar, then I should see an "Hours Consumed/x" badge showing my remaining hours.
Non-functional Criteria (if applicable)
- [ ] Real-time updates of consumed hours.
Dependencies (if any)
- [ ] Requires Stripe API integration to be set up and configured. Docs
- [ ] Depends on the creation of a new Org model with
fields. - [ ] Requires implementation of Stripe webhooks for handling successful payments.
Notes (Optional)
- Consider implementing a global context to manage the user's subscription state across the entire application.
- Ensure proper error handling for all possible scenarios in the Stripe API integration.
Mockups & Examples (Optional)
- Pricing page mockup:
- Button placements:
Tasks Breakdown (Optional)
- [ ] Create the Pricing page component and add it to the sidebar navigation
- [ ] Implement the "Get more hours" button in the navbar
- [ ] Design and implement pricing cards for different subscription tiers
- [ ] Create a dialog component for prompting non-subscribed users to upgrade
- [ ] Implement the "Hours Consumed/x" badge in the navbar
- [ ] Set up Stripe API integration for handling payments
- [ ] Create and configure Stripe webhooks for successful payment handling
- [ ] Update the Org model with new subscription-related fields
- [ ] Implement real-time updating of consumed hours in the UI
- [ ] Create a global context for managing subscription state (if decided)
- [ ] Thoroughly test all subscription-related functionality and error handling