streameth-platform copied to clipboard
As a User, I want to create reel style videos
User Story
As a User, I want to download reel style videos, so that I can easily share vertical format content.
Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Given a clip, when I click on
button, then I should get redirected to the editing app - [ ] Given a clip inside the editing app, when I click on video aspect ratio 9:16 button, I should see the preview of the video that I will get
- [ ] Given a resized clip inside the editing app, when I click on download, I should get the 9:16 video downloaded
Non-functional Criteria (if applicable)
- [ ] This should provide a simple and seamless experience for getting vertical content
- [ ] We should not depend on Livepeer studio
Dependencies (if any)
- [ ] Requires a first implementation of video editing capabillities (#915)
Mockups & Examples (Optional)
See for reference on how to do the video resize
Tasks Breakdown (Optional)
- [ ] Add vertical video editing capabilities to the editing app