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As a User, I want the ability to import event schedules from additional sources like any Google Sheets
User Story
As a User, I want the ability to import event schedules from additional sources like Google Sheets, so that I have more flexibility and integration with commonly used tools.
Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] Given a link to a Google Sheet containing the event schedule, when the link is provided, then the system parses the data and imports it correctly.
- [ ] Given different sources for event schedules (Google Sheets), when links are provided, then each source's data is parsed and imported accurately into the system.
Non-functional Criteria (if applicable)
- [ ] The system should validate the provided links and notify the user if the data cannot be imported due to format issues.
Dependencies (if any)
- [ ] Requires integration with Google Sheets API for data fetching.
- [ ] Development of importer classes for each new source (Google Sheets).
- Users should be notified of successful import through a confirmation message or notification.
Tasks Breakdown
- [ ] Develop Google Sheets importer class that parses and imports event data.
- [ ] Implement integration with Google Sheets API.
- [ ] Develop frontend interface for users to input links to their event schedules.
- [ ] Ensure validation and error handling for incorrect links or data formats.