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Collaborator - user not able to login to accepts the invite.

Open andsus opened this issue 10 months ago • 6 comments

What's going wrong and not working?


  1. User A invites user B (Actions, click user B on drop down)
  2. User A sees "You successfully shared your todo with the user B . Once the user accepts the invite, you'll see them as a collaborator on your todo."
  3. User B got email notification:
  4. Hi user B

someone shared a Todo from with you.

Information about the shared Todo item:

Title: Let's build Description: Let's build the document Priority: LOW

You can accept the collaboration by clicking this link:

  1. When B user accept by click the link, it takes to cognito login.
  2. User B try to login with correct crendential, but always came back as user name password not correct.

How do I trouble shoot the problem? What would be the problem.

Thanks Kind regards, Stratospheric

Expected outcome

User B should be able to authenticated and authorized to accept invitation.

On application.yaml, the external_url is set to: custom: invitation-codes: DUKE, HELLO_WORLD, STRATOSPHERIC # TODO: outsource them -> e.g. env variable or database sharing-queue: stratospheric-todo-sharing external-url:

public TodoSharingListener( MailSender mailSender, TodoCollaborationService todoCollaborationService, @Value("${}") boolean autoConfirmCollaborations, @Value("${custom.confirm-email-from-address}") String confirmEmailFromAddress, @Value("${custom.external-url}") String externalUrl) { this.mailSender = mailSender; this.todoCollaborationService = todoCollaborationService; this.autoConfirmCollaborations = autoConfirmCollaborations; this.confirmEmailFromAddress = confirmEmailFromAddress; this.externalUrl = externalUrl; }

Why TodoSharingListener.listenToSharingMessages() got instead of

No response

andsus avatar Jul 07 '23 21:07 andsus