
Results 674 comments of str4d

To be clear, I'm referring to the read-write APIs on `age::SecretKey`, for downstream library users. The `rage` and `rage-keygen` tools do not have this problem.

One way around this would be to have distinct types for generated and parsed `SecretKey`s. I'll play with this idea during my recipients / identities refactor for 0.5.

Yeah, most of the performance difference is that `rage`'s cryptographic dependencies are essentially pure-Rust at this point, while `age` is using the Go standard library which includes assembly for basically...

I ran a brief test on my laptop, of the form: ``` time head -c 2147483648 /dev/urandom | cargo run --release -- -r age1somerecipient >/dev/null ``` Switching to `Aead::encrypt_in_place` (instead...

Oh heh, looks like my benchmarks were being limited by the speed of `/dev/urandom` - I tested `age` and measured the same 15.5 seconds. Switching to `/dev/zero` I get: ```...

I adapted the `chacha20` benchmark to rage, and get between 9.8 and 10.3 cycles per byte on current master. Before vs after `cargo update`: ``` stream/encrypt/131072 time: [1328643.4735 cycles 1362445.9702...

I've opened #58 with the benchmark and the dependency update.

More measurements of the improvement on my desktop (i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz). Before `cargo update` (e78c6a24) vs after `cargo update` (eee96f4c2f): ``` Benchmarking stream/encrypt/131072: Collecting 100 samples in estimated 6.6372...

And `age` vs `rage` (current master of each) on my desktop: ``` $ head -c 2147483648 /dev/zero | time tmp/age -r age1fl45as7lv56lzg3tv76v0nkew0rukgl706gycrkmqq6ju86rzgdssjs7yt >/dev/null 0.96user 0.48system 0:01.45elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 2840maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs...

> Is there any reason to not compile with AVX2? I think, almost every x86 cpu nowadays supports it? Nope! Looking at the [December 2019 Steam hardware survey](, 77.05% of...