
Results 674 comments of str4d

Trac update at 20140826T12:39:31: str4d changed description from: > old unresponsible peers should be expulsed from the list as the lock up much, while active peers be exchanged between connected...

Trac update at 20140827T23:52:09: user commented: > might also be of importance in light of android users. > maybe they'll not be online long in order to save battery or...

Trac update at 20140928T15:18:54: * zzz changed owner from "" to "HungryHobo" * zzz changed status from "new" to "assigned"

Trac update at 20150110T04:13:02: * str4d changed keywords from "I2P-Bote, peer management" to "I2P-Bote performance" * str4d changed milestone from "0.9.18" to ""

Trac update at 20170115T15:28:10: zzz changed owner from "HungryHobo" to "str4d"

Trac update at 20140621T12:13:18: * zzz changed cc from "" to "HungryHobo, str4d" * zzz commented: > The majority are RouterInfo files (one per peer) and second are peer profiles...

Trac update at 20140708T09:15:43: ExtraBattery commented: > - I'm running on x86-64 PCs. The router shutdown is not slow at all, just the start. I notice that the CPU isn't...

Trac update at 20140928T15:23:23: * zzz commented: > My comments above were regarding the files the router uses. > > As comment 2 above, and the OP, reference I2P-Bote as...

Trac update at 20150110T04:16:32: str4d changed keywords from "" to "I2P-Bote performance"

Trac update at 20160805T15:06:29: * zzz changed owner from "HungryHobo" to "str4d" * zzz changed summary from "File System Abstraction" to "I2P-Bote: File System Abstraction"