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Content Provider Framework?
Have you done any further work towards extracting the content provider framework?
No, unfortunately I haven't done anything in this direction.
Ok. In other forums I had some suggestions that may be useful to future visitors, or yourself if you're interested in what others have done:
- Cupboard: http://code.neenbedankt.com/introducing-cupboard-simple-persistance-for-android/
- Sprinkles: https://github.com/emilsjolander/sprinkles
- Despicable content providers: http://sergiandreplace.com/looking-for-the-perfect-android-architecture-i-despicable-content-providers/
I'm going to create my version of Content Provider Framework based on your code, `cause nothing from above suits my needs completely. Hope you don't mind
This issue seem to be very old. I suggest closing it.