keyboard-focus copied to clipboard
A rudimentary way to detect users that navigate with the Tab key
Keyboard Focus
A rudimentary way to detect users that navigate with the Tab key to improve :focus
styles for regular mouse and touch users.
Installation instructions
- Download and include index.js; or
- install with bower using
bower install keyboard-focus --save
What does it do?
A one-time event listener detects when a user presses Tab outside of form elements and adds a class of .keyboard-focus
to <html>
so you can target their focus styles specifically.
This allows you to prevent :focus
styles from appearing on things like toggle buttons unless a user has pressed Tab, much like YouTube does with Play/Pause in its video player.
Example usage
/* Hide default :focus styles */
:focus {
box-shadow: none;
outline: none;
/* Apply a custom, generic :focus style for when JS isn't available or if a user has pressed Tab */
.no-js :focus,
.keyboard-focus :focus {
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 1px #00cdcb;
/* Continue to add custom :focus styles for specific elements and components */